Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati Founder of Arya Samaj. ARYA SAMAJ FOUNDED IN. MUMBAI ON APRIL 7th
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

With meditation, soul becomes so much powerful, that it is not afraid of even the biggest hardship, and it will be able to tolerate it easily.
How To Meditate:
Find a clean and quiet place; sit down in a right posture and close your eyes.
First stop the senses from wondering then start the Pranayam.
Point and hold the mind on the heart, navel or throat (at one of these places); get lost in God by thinking of soul and God.
By doing this repeatedly, soul and the conscious are purified, and the person becomes interested only in truthfulness.

God is omnipotent. He is all powerful; He performs his works by himself. He does not need anybody’s assistance to run the universe. He manages all His affairs by himself. He is always just and never does injustice. He always follows His just code.

Manusmiriti: The Manusmriti is famous among scriptures, and the author is Manu. Rules for religion, political and social conduct are contained in Manusmriti.

Heaven and Hell defined:
A Person who is particularly in a happy situation is said to be in Heaven and one who is in a particular sad situation is said to be in Hell. There are no special places or planets like Heaven or Hell.

God is never born. He never dies. He has no beginning and no end. He is always living. He is free from aging process. He is fearless. He is flawless. He is free from happiness and misery. He is pure. He is kind. He is unique. There is no one like Him nor equal to Him. There is no one greater or bigger than Him. He is the greatest of all. He is the biggest of all. God creates, supports and runs the universe.

God is the source of all knowledge. In the beginning of the universe, God gives knowledge to the human beings. God appeals directly in to the minds, he does not need hands to write or a mouth to speak.

God is always in a state of ecstasy (bliss). Getting close to Him gives comfort, just like a fire gives comfort to the cold (persons).
God has his own work field, and humans have their own different work fields.

God’s existence is also realized from His works. What a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful creation of the universe. The regular, logical and mathematical motions of the planets; meaningful and rightful functioning of the universe; the beautiful creation and growth of the plants and the living beings – all these works prove existence of some super, intelligent, living power – The God

God is formless. He is always without a body. Therefore, there is no picture or statue of God. He cannot be sensed with 5 senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue or skin).God can not be even sensed with the help of a microscope.
However, there are occasions when we realize God’s existence and His actions. Occasions, when in utter disappointment, help arrives or an idea flashes into the mind, and the situation begins to improve. Also, thought of doing bad deeds brings feelings of fear, suspicion and shame; and thought of doing good deeds brings feelings of happiness, encouragement, excitement and fearlessness. All these feeling come from God.

God is omnipresent. He is present at all places. He is present inside of our body and outside of our body. He is present inside of all living and non-living things and outside of them. He is present in the smallest thing as well as in the biggest thing. He is present in the mind and in the soul. He is present in the whole universe.
Aray samaj rajkot jetakubagam satsang
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