God’s existence is also realized from His works. What a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful creation of the universe. The regular, logical and mathematical motions of the planets; meaningful and rightful functioning of the universe; the beautiful creation and growth of the plants and the living beings – all these works prove existence of some super, intelligent, living power – The God

God is formless. He is always without a body. Therefore, there is no picture or statue of God. He cannot be sensed with 5 senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue or skin).God can not be even sensed with the help of a microscope.
However, there are occasions when we realize God’s existence and His actions. Occasions, when in utter disappointment, help arrives or an idea flashes into the mind, and the situation begins to improve. Also, thought of doing bad deeds brings feelings of fear, suspicion and shame; and thought of doing good deeds brings feelings of happiness, encouragement, excitement and fearlessness. All these feeling come from God.

God is omnipresent. He is present at all places. He is present inside of our body and outside of our body. He is present inside of all living and non-living things and outside of them. He is present in the smallest thing as well as in the biggest thing. He is present in the mind and in the soul. He is present in the whole universe.
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