With meditation, soul becomes so much powerful, that it is not afraid of even the biggest hardship, and it will be able to tolerate it easily.
How To Meditate:
Find a clean and quiet place; sit down in a right posture and close your eyes.
First stop the senses from wondering then start the Pranayam.
Point and hold the mind on the heart, navel or throat (at one of these places); get lost in God by thinking of soul and God.
By doing this repeatedly, soul and the conscious are purified, and the person becomes interested only in truthfulness.

Every living being – human, animal, bird or insect has a soul. Presence of the soul in a body keeps one alive. Departure of the soul, causes death. Therefore, bodies of people and animals are pure as long as the soul is present, they are impure after the soul leaves.
Soul stays at one place in a body, but it affects the whole body; just like a lit candle, placed at one place, brightens the whole room.

God is equally accessible to all. He is the father and the mother of all living beings. No agent or broker is needed to approach Him. No body can be a God’s agent. God does not favor any one, nor He disfavors any one.

All kinds of God worshipping we do, is not for God. It does not affect God any which way. Any action of ours has no effect on God.
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